By Jean Cowan
Our February membership meeting will feature a presentation from newly-elected Lincoln County Clerk, Amy Southwell. The meeting will again be held virtually, in the interest of personal safety,
and will begin at 11:30 am, Thursday, February 16. Jean Cowan is this month’s moderator.
Amy has worked in local public service positions for over 20 years, most recently as Lincoln County’s Chief Deputy Clerk/Elections Manager since 2013. She is anxious to share with us the responsibilities that the position of County Clerk includes.
Amy acknowledges that her new position came with a steep learning curve. She is grateful for the
mentorship of retiring Clerk, Dana Jenkins.
Born Amy Abbott, she grew up in Toledo, Oregon, graduating from Toledo High School in 1993, followed by further education at both Lane and Linn Benton Community Colleges. Her mom (Diana) and dad (Bob) ran small businesses in Lincoln County and Diana is currently an owner of Martek Realty. Amy is married with two boys, both in college and they are the “light of her life.” “I started out working in customer service-based jobs when I was 15 years old and started working in my first public service job when I was 25,” says Amy. “Working in public service was a calling for me and not everyone can appreciate what it has to offer. Over the years, I’ve served our diverse community by helping with their health needs, public assistance with medical & food, food drives, as well as helping with public flu and covid clinics.”
Amy loved her job as Chief Deputy Clerk and feels privileged and excited that the citizens of Lincoln County voted for her to continue serving them now as their County Clerk and have put their
trust in her to run accurate, fair, and transparent elections. She will be happy to share how smoothly the election process runs in Lincoln County and to answer any questions. We look forward to our visit with this vibrant and knowledgeable “new Clerk” who steps into the position held by Dana Jenkins for over 30 years!
During her off time, Amy enjoys kayaking, hiking, camping, antiquing, reading, or hitting up a good music venue with friends. Welcome Amy Southwell.