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LWVOR Council 2024: “Join Us at the Beach”.

Planning is underway for LWVOR Council 2024: “Join Us at the Beach”. We, LWV of Lincoln County, are the host league, so save the date! It will be held May 17-19, 2024, in Newport at the Elks Lodge, overlooking Yaquina Bay. Local League volunteers will be needed to assist with logistics. Assisting the state staff with local planning details are Georgia Roelof, Ruth Kistler, and Jean Cowan. Staff have secured a block of rooms for attendees at the Holiday Inn Express in South Beach at a competitive rate, but some of our visitors may prefer to secure their own lodging if

they desire an ocean view.

Council is held every other year and is a bit smaller and more detail-oriented than Convention. Each Oregon local League can send two voting delegates and any number of observers; guests may be included in the social events. In a move to make the League more “nimble”, i.e., able to react more quickly, Convention 2023 changed the By-Laws to allow Council, as well as Convention, to modify League By-Laws and Program. We don’t yet know if that change will cause more League business to be transacted at this Council. The general format for Council usually includes a “dine-around” meal on Friday evening. We are developing a list of potential restaurants in Newport for tables of 6-8, including a host, at each location from among our league members. Suggestions of your favorite suitable eatery are welcome – please send your thoughts to Jean.

The Council delegates will meet all day on Saturday and for a half-day Sunday morning. Dinner will be catered at the Elks on Saturday, along with a no-host bar plus time and space for after-dinner caucuses that evening. The planning committee also welcomes suggestions for local catering services!

Stay tuned for more information as details develop!

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